Top Benefits of Using Best Fertilizers for farms and Garden
Why Does My Farm Or Garden Need To Be Fertilised? They need to be fertilised because most soil does not provide the essential nutrients required for optimum growth, as the plants grow, they absorb nutrients and leave the soil less fertile. By fertilising their garden, you replenish lost nutrients and ensure that plants have the food they need to flourish. – In farms, once crops are harvested for human consumption, the natural supply of nutrients in the soil must be “refilled”. This is why farmers add nutrients to their soil. Nutrients can be added from a variety of sources—organic matter, chemical fertilisers, and even by some plants. – This maintains soil fertility, so the farmer can continue to grow nutritious crops and healthy crops. But knowing which fertiliser to choose, how much to apply and which plants to feed is not always obvious. Knowing The Plants’ Needs Makes All The Difference: Landscape trees and shrubs – Don’t need fertiliser at all unless they’re show...